animated short
This is an animated short I made in a two-week project phase during our studies in a team with two of my fellow students. It is an experimental film, mixing together a real crafted paper world and 3D animation.
After we developed the idea and story together I was mainly responsible for the character animation and the production of the film. This was a very interesting & instructive project for us, as we had never worked on an animated film before nor did character animation. This, together with the limited timeframe, led to a very intense (but also very fun) time working on the film.
"BENU" was selected at over 30 film festivals around the world and won several awards.
German Multimedia Award MB21 (Winner Category Category Computeranimation)
Jugendfilmpreis 2017 (Winner Animation)
Sunchild International Environment Film 2017 (Winner International Youth & Children)
Time Line Film Festival 2017 (Winner Category Environment)
Ecozine Film Festival 2017 (Youth Audience Award)
Neos Fest 2016 (1st Prize Category Experimental Video)
Green Fest Belgrad 2016 (Best Animated Short)